Private limited company registration cost & price comparison in India

Compares prices for a private limited company registration from 30+ service providers in India.

Compare Prices30+ service providers

NamePrice (in ₹)Claim offer & BuyView detailsSQ offers
MyBizFiling4,999Claim offer & BuyView & Buy5% off on professional fee.
eFilingCompany6,199Claim offer & BuyView & Buy5% off on professional fee.
EBizFiling6,999Claim offer & BuyView & Buy₹200 off
Legal Salah7,999Claim offer & BuyView & Buy5% off on professional fee.
India Filings6,899View & Buy
LegalRaasta6,999View & Buy
Aapka Consultant6,999View & Buy
CompanySuggestion7,000View & Buy
Set India Biz7,452View & Buy
iSpeedBiz7,799View & Buy
Legal Fidelity7,999View & Buy
LegalWiz7,999View & Buy
FinanceBazaar7,999View & Buy
Law Republic7,999View & Buy
Startup Gali7,999View & Buy
QuickCompany8,999View & Buy
Hubco9,000View & Buy
BizzGlobe13,499View & Buy
Company 36013,999View & Buy
Vakil SearchView & Buy
CompaniesInnView & Buy
LegalPillarsView & Buy
ProvenienceView & Buy
CorpBiz₹₹View & Buy
Online Legal India₹₹View & Buy
StartEazy₹₹View & Buy
Taxx Inn₹₹View & Buy
NurtureLabs₹₹₹View & Buy₹₹₹View & Buy
Startupwala₹₹₹View & Buy
VirtualAuditor₹₹₹View & Buy

The price quotes in the comparison table include both the government fees and professional fees for registering a private limited company in India along with the following activities:

  • Digital Signature for 2 directors,
  • Directors Identification Number (DIN),
  • Name approval of the company,
  • Drafting of the MOA & AOA of the company,
  • Issuance of Certificate of Incorporation,
  • PAN and TAN of Company.

Note: The latest prices from different service providers are provided for information purposes only. In case of any discrepancy, service providers decision will be final.

Ever thought about starting your own private limited company in India? Before you take the plunge, it's crucial to understand what a private limited company is, how to register it, and most importantly, the costs associated with it. In this article, we'll explore these topics, providing a detailed price comparison of different services.

Understanding Private Limited Company


First things first, what is a Private Limited Company? In simple terms, it is a type of company that is privately held for small businesses. It has a minimum of two and a maximum of 200 members and limits the liabilities of its members.


Private limited companies are characterized by restrictions on the right to transfer shares, a limit on the number of members, prohibition on the invitation to the public for subscription of shares or debentures, and a minimum of two directors.

Process of Private Limited Company Registration in India


Registering a private limited company in India is a multi-step process. It involves obtaining a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), Director Identification Number (DIN), and then proceeding with the incorporation process.

Detailed steps

The process starts with applying for a DSC, which is needed for electronically signing the documents. Once DSC is obtained, the next step is to get the DIN. Following this, you need to apply for the name of the company and once it's approved, you can prepare all the necessary documents and file them with the Registrar of Companies.

Costs Associated with Private Limited Company Registration

Government Fees

The government fees for private limited company registration in India generally range from ₹5,000 to ₹10,000, depending on the authorized capital of your company.

Professional Fees

Professional fees include charges for the services of a Chartered Accountant or a Company Secretary who handles the registration process. This can vary widely, but typically ranges from ₹5,000 to ₹15,000.

Additional Expenses

Additional expenses may include stamp duty, notary fees, and other miscellaneous costs, adding another few thousands to the total expense.

Price Comparison of Private Limited Company Registration Services

Online Platforms

Various online platforms offer private limited company registration services, ranging from ₹1,000 to ₹10,000, excluding government fees. These platforms are a cost-effective solution, and they simplify the process considerably.

Traditional Legal Consultancy Firms

Traditional legal consultancy firms typically charge higher fees, from ₹5,000 to ₹25,000, excluding government fees. While more expensive, these firms offer personalized service, which can be beneficial in complicated situations.

Tips to Save on Registration Costs

Some ways to save on registration costs include opting for online platforms, comparing various service providers, and choosing a service package that fits your specific needs and budget.


Registering a private limited company in India is a significant decision that comes with its own set of costs. By understanding these costs, comparing different services, and exploring ways to save, you can make an informed decision that supports your business goals.


  1. What is the minimum cost to register a private limited company in India?
    The minimum cost, including government and professional fees, typically starts around ₹5,000.

  2. How long does it take to register a private limited company?
    The process can take anywhere from 5-15 days, depending on the speed of government approvals.

  3. Can I register a private limited company on my own?
    While technically possible, it's recommended to use professional services due to the complex legal and administrative processes involved.

  4. Are there any recurring costs after registering a private limited company?
    Yes, companies must comply with annual filing requirements, which involve additional costs.

  5. Which is more cost-effective: online platforms or traditional legal consultancy firms?
    Online platforms are generally more cost-effective, but traditional firms offer personalized service that may be valuable in complex situations.