Trademark renewal cost & price comparison in India
Compares prices for trademark renewal from 10+ service providers in India.
Name | Price (All inclusive) | Buy |
Aapka Consultant | 10,999 | View & Buy |
Hubco | 11,200 | View & Buy |
Online Legal India | 11,359 | View & Buy |
Registrationwala | 11,359 | View & Buy |
Startupwala | 11,359 | View & Buy |
EBizFiling | 11,999 | View & Buy |
Law Republic | 12,000 | View & Buy |
LegalWiz | 12,899 | View & Buy |
All the prices are all-inclusive prices and include the following:
- Government fee of ₹ 9,000 for renewing the trademark using e-filing.
- Professional fee charged by the service provider (law firm/lawyer/trademark agent)
- Taxes if any.
- Filing of a trademark renewal in 1 class.
Note: The latest prices from different service providers are provided for information purposes only. In case of any discrepancy, service providers decision will be final.
Trademark Renewal Costs and Price Comparison in India
Introduction to Trademark Renewal
What is a Trademark?
A trademark represents your brand's unique identity - it's the recognizable symbol, design, or expression that distinguishes your products or services from others in the market. From the golden arches of McDonald's to Apple's half-bitten apple, these trademarks aren't just logos; they embody consumers' perceptions and emotions about the brand.
Why Trademark Renewal is Important?
As crucial as it is to obtain a trademark, it's equally important to ensure its renewal. In India, a trademark registration is valid for a period of 10 years, after which it needs to be renewed to maintain its protection. Letting it lapse can mean exposing your brand to unnecessary risk, including brand infringement and loss of goodwill.
Trademark Renewal Process in India
Steps to Renew a Trademark
The process for renewing a trademark in India includes submitting Form TM-A, along with the requisite fees, six months before the expiration date. Now, isn't that just a bit too bland to imagine? Let's break it down with a different analogy.
Consider renewing a trademark like watering a plant. You wouldn't want your plant (brand) to wither (lose trademark protection), would you? So you water (renew) it periodically.
Online Trademark Renewal
Online renewal is a cost-effective and time-saving option. It involves submitting Form TM-R through the official website of India's Intellectual Property India.
Offline Trademark Renewal
Offline renewal requires physically submitting Form TM-A to the Registrar's office. Although this method is a bit more time-consuming, some businesses prefer it for its traditional approach.
Factors Determining Trademark Renewal Cost
Government Fees
The government fees for trademark renewal in India are approximately ₹ 9,000 for e-filing and ₹ 10,000 for physical filings.
e-filing | Physical filing |
₹ 9,000 | ₹ 10,000 |
Due to a ₹ 1,000 difference in government fee between e-filing and physical filing, the preferred mode is online renewal of trademark in India.
Legal Fees
Legal fees vary depending on your attorney. It's crucial to select a trusted and experienced professional who can ensure a seamless renewal process. The professional fee charged for trademark renewal in India ranges from ₹1,500 to 10,000.
Here on SuperQuote, we have listed some reliable service providers for trademark renewal in India. You can compare their prices and costs quickly and choose a service provider which is the best fit for your requirement.
Additional Costs
These may include costs incurred for late renewal or restoration of a trademark, which can significantly add to the overall renewal cost.
Price Comparison for Trademark Renewal
Comparing Different Service Providers
Much like choosing between a cafe latte from your neighborhood coffee shop and a Starbucks, choosing a service provider for trademark renewal depends on several factors such as cost-efficiency and service quality.
Service providers with lower prices may not always offer the best value. It's essential to understand what's included in the package before making a decision. A seemingly expensive provider may include services that others charge extra for.
Service Quality
The quality of service should be a significant determinant in your choice. A provider with a proven track record of success, exceptional customer service, and expert legal advice can be worth the additional investment.
Important facts and links about Trademarks in India
- Indian Trademark office
- Trademark application status check in India
- Trademark office phone numbers – +91-11-28032406/382
Trademark renewal costs can vary considerably based on various factors. Therefore, it's crucial to consider both the cost and quality of services offered by different providers. Remember, a trademark is not just a symbol; it's your brand's identity, worth every penny and effort invested in its protection.
1. How often does a trademark need to be renewed in India?
A trademark needs to be renewed every 10 years in India.
2. What happens if I don't renew my trademark?
If not renewed, your trademark can be removed from the Register of Trademarks, leading to loss of brand protection.
3. Can I renew my trademark after it has expired?
Yes, a grace period of 6 months is provided for late renewal after paying a late fee.
4. How much does it cost to renew a trademark in India?
The government fees for renewal are around ₹ 9,000 for online requests and ₹ 10,000 for physical requests. Legal and additional costs are extra.
5. Can I renew my trademark online?
Yes, the Indian government provides an option for online trademark renewal.